lookintheattic & company Opens 110 West Michigan Showroom
APRIL 2006 -- lookintheattic & company, inc., a worldwide purveyor and importer of vintage style home furnishings, announces the Grand Opening of the 110 West Michigan showroom on April 25, 2006. This property was acquired by lookintheattic & company in the fourth quarter of 2005. After four months of extensive renovation and remodeling, the new showroom will showcase many of the various products sold by lookintheattic & company. “This showroom will be a welcome addition to our company and we are proud to be part of the Historic District.” said Dr. John W. Coleman, President of lookintheattic & company, inc. "Michigan Avenue is well travelled and boasts more than 35,000 cars per day. Corporate signage on this Avenue will promote awareness of the lookintheattic brand."
lookintheattic & company, inc. is a netrepreneurial enterprise (,, and markets various products under the trademarks of lookintheattic™, lookinthecellar™, lookinthecloset™, saltsellers™ and 925guys™ using six different website domain names. Whether you seek fine & collectable glassware, decorative hardware or fine jewelry, we assure the highest quality products at competitive prices.